Friday 14 July 2017

Ports and Protocols Used by Microsoft SQL Server

Naturally, I have been asked many times about ports used by SQL Server services and to be honest sometimes I took me some time to reply because there is a great number of ports and protocols and it is not easy to remember them quickly. Not all of us have to learn everything by rote, so thinking about it, I made the decision of sharing the following lists of useful ports and protocols so that you can have them at hand when needed.

Ports and Protocols Used by Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Service / Purpose Protocol Port
Analysis Services TCP 2725
Client connections when "hide server" option enabled TCP 2433
Clients using Named Pipes over Netbios TCP 139/445
Microsoft SQL Monitor port UDP 1434
OLAP Services connections from downlevel clients OLAP Services 7.0 TCP 2393/2394
SQL over TCP ** TCP 1433
Standard URL for a report server (Reporting Services) TCP 80 HTTP /443 SSL
Ports and Protocols Used by Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Service / Purpose Protocol Port
Analysis Services connections via HTTP (default) TCP 80
Analysis Services connections via HTTPS (default) TCP 443
Clients using Named Pipes over Netbios TCP 137/138/139/445
Dedicated Administrator Connection TCP 1434 by default (local port). But this port is assigned dynamically by SQL Server during startup.
Reporting services on Windows 2003/2008/Vista (default) TCP 80
Reporting services on Windows XP SP2 TCP 8080
SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services TCP 2383
SQL Server Browser Service TCP 2382
SQL Server Integration Services (MSDTSServer) TCP 135
SQL Server Resolution Protocol TCP 1434
SQL over TCP (default instance) TCP 1433
SQL over TCP (named instances) TCP 1434 / 1954
Ports and Protocols Used by Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012/2014/2016/2017
Service / Purpose Protocol Port
Analysis Services connections via HTTP (default) TCP 80
Analysis Services connections via HTTPS (default) TCP 443
Clustering UDP 135
Clustering TCP 135 (RPC) / 3343 (Cluster Network Driver) / 445 SMB / 139 NetBIOS / 5000-5099 (RPC) / 8011-8031 (RPC)
Database Mirroring TCP There is no default port for this service. Use the following T-SQL statements to identify which ports are in use: SELECT name, port FROM sys.tcp_endpoints.
Dedicated Administrator Connection TCP 1434 by default (local port). But this port is assigned dynamically by SQL Server during startup.
Filestream TCP 139 y 445
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) TCP 135
Reporting services Web Services TCP 80
Reporting Services configured for use through HTTPS TCP 1433
Service Broker TCP 4022
SQL Server Analysis Services TCP 2382 (SQL Server Browser Services for SSAS port)
2383 (Clusters will listen only on this port)
SQL Server Browser Service (Database Engine) UDP 1434. Might be required when using named instances.
SQL Server Browser Service TCP 2382
SQL Server default instance running over an HTTPS endpoint. TCP 443
SQL Server Instance (Database Engine) running over an HTTP endpoint.  TCP 80 y 443 (SSL)
SQL Server Integration Services TCP 135 (DCOM)
SQL over TCP (default instance) TCP 1433
Transact-SQL Debugger TCP 135
Windows Management Instrumentation TCP 135 (DCOM)

That is all for now. I hope you find this post useful. Let me know any remarks you may have. Stay tuned.

Monday 3 July 2017

Getting important information of SQL Server Backups

Regardless of the method that is used to take SQL Server backups, they need to be carefully monitored 24x7 hours especially in critical database environments whose data is changing rapidly. Keeping the backups up to date is crucial as they can save us a lot of time when it comes to recovering databases in the likely event of unwitting incidents. On the top of that, in my experience it was shameful to see many environments without a backup strategy in place, even more, nobody was in charge of them.  In that context, it is clear that those businesses were surely at high risk of losing a lot of data and jaw-dropping amounts of money. Sometimes it is believed that having backups of the whole virtual machine is good enough, nevertheless, this sort of backup has a different purpose from a database backup. Thus, at no time can we replace SQL Server database backups with virtual machine backups which are time-consuming, inadequate, far-fetched for databases. In this sense, having implemented a suitable database backup strategy (Full + Diff + Log Backups) and carefully monitoring them are fundamental tasks to serve the needs of ensuring the recovery database process.
Broadly, it is of paramount importance to have a script at hand to find out whether or not specific sorts of backups were taken properly as well as how long they last, the size of the backup file, who took the backup, or if the backup was taken using CHECK_SUM option, etc. Today I am sharing that script which returns important information of backups for all databases in a SQL Server instance. In the following script, it filters out info of Full Backups (type='D'). You can use 'L' for Log Backup and 'I' for Differential Backup. So, try it out and make the most out of the info.

SELECT isnull(,'') DatabaseName,
CASE is_read_only WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as IsReadOnly, 
cast(sum(size)/128.0/1024.0 as decimal(8,2) ) as DBSize_InGB ,  
isnull( last_backup.recovery_model,'')RecoveryModel,isnull(,'') as BackupName ,
isnull(cast(last_backup.backup_start_date as varchar(24)),'(No Taken)') as BackupStartDate,  
isnull(case when [backup_size]>1024 then  cast( cast([backup_size]/1024.0 as decimal(8,2)) as varchar(12)) 
     + 'GB' else cast([backup_size] as varchar(12)) + 'MB' end,0) as BackupSize,
isnull(case when compressed_backup_size>1024 then  cast( cast(compressed_backup_size/1024.0 as decimal(8,2)) as varchar(12)) +
     'GB' else cast(compressed_backup_size as varchar(12)) + 'MB' end,0) as CompressedBackupSize ,
 isnull([duration],'') as Duration, isnull(is_copy_only,'') as IsCopyOnly, isnull(is_damaged,'') as IsDamaged,  
 isnull(has_backup_checksums,'') as HasBackupCheckSUM, isnull([user_name],'')as UserName
FROM master.sys.sysaltfiles  f
    inner join sys.databases d on f.dbid=d.database_id
    inner join (select database_name,backup_start_date, name, is_damaged,is_password_protected,
                has_incomplete_metadata,is_copy_only, cast(backup_size/1024.0/1024.0 as decimal(8,2))  as [backup_size], 
                cast(compressed_backup_size/1024.0/1024.0 as decimal(8,2))  as compressed_backup_size,
                isnull(cast(  CAST((DATEDIFF(second, bs.backup_start_date, bs.backup_finish_date))/3600 AS varchar) + ' hours ' 
                     + CAST(((DATEDIFF(second, bs.backup_start_date, bs.backup_finish_date))%3600 )/60 AS varchar)+ ' min'    as varchar(40) 
                ), '(No Available)') as [duration],bs.backup_finish_date, has_backup_checksums , [user_name], recovery_model
              FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs
              WHERE bs.backup_set_id IN (SELECT MAX(backup_set_id) FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
                                                      where    type = 'D'
                                                     GROUP BY database_name) 
                AND bs.database_name IN (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases  )
                                ) as last_backup   on = last_backup.database_name
                             where fileid<>2    
                             group by dbid, , d.is_read_only,d.recovery_model_desc, last_backup.database_name, 
last_backup.backup_start_date,last_backup.[backup_size] ,last_backup.compressed_backup_size,, last_backup.duration,
 last_backup.backup_finish_date,is_copy_only,is_damaged,has_backup_checksums , [user_name], last_backup.recovery_model
ORDER BY DATEDIFF(minute,  last_backup.backup_start_date,  last_backup.backup_finish_date) desc

That is all for now, let me know any remarks you may have.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Getting the full name of SQL Jobs including the steps in execution

While monitoring a database server, we may need to know some details about the sessions, connections and requests that migh be causing performance or blocking issues so that we can take actions to fix them. In doing so, one very important piece of information is the program name that is connected to the database engine. Broadly, it is posible to see the program name in detail by using system stored procedures or DMVs such as 'sp_who2' and 'sys.dm_exec_sessions'. Nevertheless, not every name of the programs may be easy to interpret, especially when it comes to SQL Jobs. For instance, if you detected that a SQL Job is the root of the problem and then needed to know which SQL Job it is, the column program_name of 'sp_who2' or 'sys.dm_exec_sessions' woud only give us the SQL Job ID based on the following format:

SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x2613DA812CD2D248A9BA377DE6DEF355 : Step 1)

Obviously, we cannot do much with that info because there is no SQL Job name, and even worse, no SQL Job step name. However,  we can figure out the name of the SQL Job in msdb.dbo.sysjobs by using the ID.

SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=0x2613DA812CD2D248A9BA377DE6DEF355

Despite the fact that it may be relativily easy to get the name of the SQL Job, it is not enough because it is of paramount importance to know the name of the step in execution, and keep in mind that doing this manually this every time when needed is going to be an uphill battle as it is arduous and not optimal, especially if there are many SQL Jobs running and causing struggles. Thinking of this situation, I created a script to automate the task of figuring out details related to SQL Jobs such as the name and also the step name that is running. To be more precise, this logic is inside a function called "ufn_GetJobStepNameDesc" that takes the value of the "program_name" column and returns the name of the SQL Job and the step in execution. Let's take a look at the following code whereby we also filter out the sessions used by SQL Jobs.

SELECT session_id, login_time, login_name, [status], writes,
       logical_reads, [language], DB_NAME(database_id) DatabaseName,
          dbo.ufn_GetJobStepNameDesc([program_name]) AS SQLJobDescription
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions where [program_name] like 'SQLAgent - TSQL%'
As you can see, I have highlighted the use of the function, and also added other important columns to look at as part of monitoring. So, using dbo.ufn_GetJobStepNameDesc([program_name]) the final outcome would be like this: SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep "<Name of the job step>" (Job: <Job name>).  For instance: SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep "Updating_Accounts" (Job: SAP_Financial_Process)
Here I share with you my script so that you can check it thoroughly and then make the most out if it.
USE [master]
CREATE FUNCTION  [dbo].[ufn_GetJobStepNameDesc] (@step_name_desc VARCHAR(MAX))
       DECLARE @full_step_name_desc VARCHAR(MAX)
       DECLARE @jobstep_id_start INT
       DECLARE @jobstep_id_len INT
       DECLARE @jobstep_id INT
       SELECT @jobstep_id_start=CHARINDEX(': Step', @step_name_desc)+7, @jobstep_id_len=CHARINDEX(')', @step_name_desc)-@jobstep_id_start
       set @jobstep_id= CAST(SUBSTRING(@step_name_desc, @jobstep_id_start,@jobstep_id_len) AS INT)

       DECLARE @job_id_start INT
       DECLARE @job_id_len INT
       DECLARE @hexa_job_id VARBINARY(MAX)
       SELECT @job_id_start=CHARINDEX('(Job 0', @step_name_desc)+5,  @job_id_len=CHARINDEX(':', @step_name_desc)-@job_id_start
       SET @hexa_job_id=CONVERT( VARBINARY, RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@step_name_desc, @job_id_start,@job_id_len))),1)
       SELECT @full_step_name_desc='SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep "' + step_name+'" (Job: ' + j.[name] +')'
       FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js
            INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON j.job_id=js.job_id
       WHERE step_id=@jobstep_id and j.job_id=CAST(@hexa_job_id  AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
       RETURN ( @full_step_name_desc)
That is all for now, I hope you find this post helpful. Let me know any remarks you may have. Stay tuned.

Monday 19 June 2017

Error: could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user

Without any doubt, at times there is a need to use extended stored procedures in SQL Server, for instance, the following error may be raised while using 'xp_logininfo' to get information about domain account 'MyDomainMyAccount' (the account you are logged within SQL Server). The error may also appear when a SQL job, whose owner is a windows account, tries to authenticate against the Active Directory(AD) and this validation fails because of internal security reasons between SQL Server and the AD.

Error: 15404, State: 19. Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ‘MyDomainMyAccount’, error code 0x5.

In order to solve this error your Network Administrator has to enable ‘Allowed to authenticate’ security setting on the domain controllers computer object for the account 'MyDomainMyAccount' in the domain 'MyDomain' by following these steps:
  1. logon to the Domain Controller of domain 'MyDomain'
  2. open Active Directory Users and Computers (dsa.msc)
  3. enable the ‘Advanced Features’ under the menu ‘View’
  4. navigate to the domain controllers computer object and open the property window
  5. click on the security tab
  6. add the SQL Service account 'MyDomainMyAccount' and enable the setting ‘Allowed to authenticate’
  7. click OK to close the window
  8. repeat steps 4-7 on each Domain Controller computer object
Having done that, 'xp_logininfo' will run successfully bringing the information from the Active Directory. That is all for now, let me know any remarks you may have. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

Friday 2 June 2017

sys.dm_exec_requests: total_elapsed_time column might return inconsistent data

Developing useful scripts for administration purposes, I have found a bug with respect to data recollected by 'sys.dm_exec_requests' dynamic management view on SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 while I was analysing the total elapsed time for a particular SQL query. Let me expand on what I am saying. I did detect an error in the 17th second of the execution with 'session_id' equal to 63 (see it in the picture). Following the sequence of each result in the execution of queries, I need to draw your attention to the second query and its second column where the total elapsed time according to 'sys.dm_exec_requests' should be 17 and not 938 seconds since the previous one was 16. Now, checking the value of the third column (calculated by subtracting the 'start_time' value from GETDATE function), you will verify that this time is accurate whereas the second one is false. The value for the second and third columns should be the same but they are different.

To sum up, for this particular and real case, the column 'total_elapsed_time' returns inconsistent information about elapsed execution time of a process when it exceeds 16 seconds. Despite of the fact that I have not seen the same issue in other versions like SQL Server 2012/2014/2016/2017, it is better not to trust in DMVs so much. Therefore, I suggest working with caution. That is all for now, let me know any remark you may have. Stay tuned.
HELLO, I'M PERCY REYES! — a book lover, healthy lifestyle lover... I've been working as a senior SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) for over 20 years; I'm a three-time awarded Microsoft Data Platform MVP. I'm currently doing a PhD in Computer Science (cryptography) at Loughborough University, England — working on cryptographic Boolean functions, algorithmic cryptanalysis, number theory, and other algebraic aspects of cryptography. READ MORE