Thursday 21 December 2017

Always On: Trying out Read-Only intent connections to secondary replicas

SQL Server Always On Availability Group enables us to connect Read-Only workloads to secondary replicas automatically by using differents ways. For instance, to connect .NET applications to secondary replicas, we must also include "ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly" besides the AG Listener Virtual Name in the connection string. More specifically, after configuring the Read-Only Routing list, this would be the connection string if we had an Availability Group with a Listener called "AGLISTENER" (in these examples it is used Windows Authentication).


But that is not all, it is also possible to establish connection to secondary replicas via SQLCMD tool by using the new parameter -K (and optionally -M for faster detection of and connection to the active server). If -K is not specified, the sqlcmd utility will not support connectivity to a secondary replica. So, this would be a simple example of how to use SQLCMD with -K and -M parameters. I couldn't have been simpler.

Sqlcmd -S AGLISTENER  -E  -K ReadOnly -M

And last but not least, we can also do it by using SSMS Connection Dialog window by using “ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly” in the "Additional Connection Parameter" tab. I also wrote another post about it with more details, take a look at it.

To sum up, these are the basic ways to try out Read-Only intent connections to secondary replicas, the first way is ideal for developers whereas the second and third if you are working as a DBA.
That is all for now. Let me know any remarks you may have. Stay tuned.

Saturday 16 December 2017

Implementing dynamic PIVOT in SQL Server

It is well known that PIVOT is one of the new features included in SQL Server 2005 which allows to convert rows into columns. But what happens if we wanted to make it dynamic going beyond limits respect to the number of columns? Today in this post I am going to show you how to do it (applies to SQL Server 2005 through SQL Server 2017). To begin with, we are going to use the following example to analyse some data, which will be pivoted shortly after.

USE AdventureWorks 
SELECT CustomerID,YEAR(DueDate) [Year], TotalDue 
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

According to the result set, there are many sales per customer between the years 2001 and 2004.

In order to pivot the 'TotalDue' per 'Year' we do need to indicate each year in the PIVOT clause. In this case we do also need to know the years which will be taken into account. For instance, this query will pivot 'TotalDue' for the years 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.

SELECT CustomerID, [2001] AS '2001', [2002] AS '2002', [2003] AS '2003', [2004]  AS '2004'
      SELECT CustomerID,YEAR(DueDate) [Year], TotalDue FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
     ) pvt
PIVOT (SUM(TotalDue) FOR [Year] IN ([2001],[2002],[2003],[2004])) AS Child

Having successfully executed the query, we will get the following nice result:

Up to now, everything seems to be perfect. Nevertheless, what's going on if we wanted to pivot for many more years? Obviously, we would have to deal with a big limitation at first glance since we will need to add the years manually inside the query, but it does not make sense for a real business case. As a result, we can say that PIVOT is not scalable, I mean that PIVOT is not 'dynamic' by design. Luckily, the purpose of this post is to show how to implement an algorithm to simulate a dynamic PIVOT in SQL Server by using the native PIVOT clause and sp_executesql.

The algorithm is quite simple and does not deserve major explanation, however, I am going to say that this will only create a query dynamically to pivot 'TotalDue' by adding all years inside, and finally the output code will be executed via sp_executesql.

INSERT INTO @TableYears  SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(DueDate) AS [Year] FROM  Sales.SalesOrderHeader 
SET @Year = (SELECT MIN([Year]) FROM @TableYears)
SET @YearsPVT=N''
  SET @YearsPVT = @YearsPVT + N',['+ CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),@Year) + N']'
  SET @Year = (SELECT MIN([Year]) FROM @TableYears WHERE [Year]>@Year)
            FROM ( 
                SELECT CustomerID,YEAR(DueDate) [Year], TotalDue FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
                ) pvt
            PIVOT (SUM(TotalDue) FOR [Year] IN (' + @YearsPVT + ')) AS Child
            ORDER by CustomerID'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL

Now I am going to illustrate another example by using data from Northwind database.

SELECT P.ProductID, C.CategoryName, OD.UnitPrice * OD.Quantity AS TotalAmount  
FROM Products P 
    INNER JOIN dbo.[Order Details] OD
ON P.ProductID=OD.ProductID
   INNER JOIN Categories C
ON C.CategoryID=P.CategoryID

Here the simple result without PIVOT.

Using PIVOT in its old-fashioned way:

SELECT ProductID, [Beverages], [Condiments], [Confections], [Dairy Products], 
       [Grains/Cereals], [Meat/Poultry],[Produce],[Seafood] 
    SELECT P.ProductID, C.CategoryName, (OD.UnitPrice * OD.Quantity) AS Monto
    FROM Products P 
        INNER JOIN dbo.[Order Details] OD
            ON P.ProductID=OD.ProductID
        INNER JOIN Categories C
            on C.CategoryID=P.CategoryID
PIVOT (SUM(Monto) FOR  CategoryName IN ([Beverages], [Condiments], [Confections], [Dairy Products], 
       [Grains/Cereals], [Meat/Poultry],[Produce],[Seafood])) AS Child

Having executed the code above, we will get this result pivoted.

Finally, using dynamic PIVOT the result will be the same.

SET @CatID=(SELECT MIN(CategoryID) FROM Categories)
SET @Categorias = ( SELECT CategoryName FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = @CatID)
SET @CatPVT = N''
  SET @CatPVT = @CatPVT + N',['+ @Categorias +N']'
  SET @Categorias = (SELECT TOP(1) CategoryName 
                     FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID > @CatID 
                     ORDER BY CategoryID ASC)
  SET @CatID=(SELECT MIN(CategoryID) FROM Categories WHERE Categoryname=@Categorias)
print @CatPVT
SET @sql = N'SELECT *  
            FROM (SELECT P.ProductID, C.CategoryName, (OD.UnitPrice * OD.Quantity) AS Monto
                  FROM Products P 
                    INNER JOIN dbo.[Order Details] OD
                        ON P.ProductID=OD.ProductID
                    INNER JOIN Categories C
                    ON C.CategoryID=P.CategoryID
            ) PIV
            PIVOT (SUM(Monto) FOR  CategoryName IN ('+ @CatPVT  + ')) AS Child'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql

As you have seen, dynamic PIVOT is truly useful for a real business case. Therefore, I hope you make the most out of this algorithm. That is all for now, let me know any remarks you may have. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Memory + CPU support for all SQL Server versions and editions

It is by no means uncommon to think that every DBA should have a list like this following one in order to have clear some aspects before installing/implementing new database environments. It is a compact brief of what different versions and editions of SQL Server support in terms of memory and CPU resources. Consequently, I share with you my resume, and I hope you find it useful. Let me know any remarks you may have.

SQL Server 2016/2017 SQL Server 2014
SQL Server edition Maximum memory supported Maximum Compute Capacity SQL Server edition Maximum memory supported Maximum Compute Capacity
Enterprise OS max OS max Enterprise OS max OS max
Standard 128 GB 4  CPU or 24 cores Business Intelligence 128 GB 4 CPU or 16 cores
Web 64 GB 4 CPU or 16 cores Standard 128 GB 4  CPU or 16 cores
Express 1410 MB 1 CPU or 4 cores Web 64 GB 4 CPU or 16 cores
Express with Advanced Services 1410 MB 1 CPU or 4 cores Express 1 GB 1 CPU or 4 cores
Express with Tools 1 GB 1 CPU or 4 cores
SQL Server 2012 Express with Advanced Services 1 GB 1 CPU or 4 cores
SQL Server edition Maximum memory supported Maximum Compute Capacity
Enterprise OS max OS max SQL Server 2008 R2
Business Intelligence 64 GB 4 CPU or 16 cores SQL Server edition Maximum memory supported Maximum Compute Capacity
Standard 64 GB 4  CPU or 16 cores Datacenter OS max OS max (64 CPU or 256 logical) 
Web 64 GB 4 CPU or 16 cores Enterprise 2 TB 8 ( or 256 Logical CPU)
Express 1 GB 1 CPU or 4 cores Developer OS max OS max
Express with Tools 1 GB 1 CPU or 4 cores Standard 64 GB 4
Express with Advanced Services 1 GB 1 CPU or 4 cores Web 64 GB 4
Workgroup 4 GB (64-bit), OS max (32-bit) 2
SQL Server 2008 Express 1 GB 1
SQL Server edition Maximum memory supported Maximum Compute Capacity Express with Tools 1 GB 1
Enterprise OS max OS max (8 CPU or 64 Logical CPU) Express with Advanced Services 1 GB (4 GB for RS) 1
Developer OS max OS max
Standard OS max 4 SQL Server 2005
Web OS max 4 SQL Server edition Maximum memory supported Maximum Compute Capacity
Workgroup 4 GB (64-bit), OS max (32-bit) 2 Enterprise Edition OS max OS max
Express 1 GB 1 Developer Edition OS max (32-bit), 32 TB (64-bit) OS max
Express with Tools 1 GB 1 Standard Edition OS max, 32 TB (64-bit) 4
Express with Advanced Services 1 GB 1 Workgroup Edition 3 GB(32-bit) 2 (32-bit)
Express Edition 1 GB(32-bit) 1 (32-bit)
Evaluation Edition OS max OS max

Friday 1 December 2017

SQLServer Buffer Manager Buffer cache hit ratio, Page Life,Lazy Write/sec, Checkpoint Pages/sec

Without any shadow of a doubt, one of the procedures to follow in order to monitor and diagnose performance issues of a database server is to analyse meaningful performance counters related to SQL Server. As a Database Administrator, we need to get used to dealing with this sorts of problems so it truly helpful to know how to analyse and interpret them by contrasting with other windows performance counters.

To begin with, we can analyse SQLServer Buffer cache hit ratio performance counter which gives us the percentage of cache memory usage. This percentage should mostly be above 99% for OLTP database servers. Therefore, nowadays 4GB or 8GB of RAM is not good enough for the vast majority of them. The knock-on effect of this lack of RAM is that there will be a huge increase on the I/O disk activity as a result of using much more paging (data pages are moving in and out from memory very frequently because there is not enough space to locate new ones). This will also cause a huge disk queue which will keep disk subsystem busy, consequently, it will impact directly on the database performance detrimentally. In this context, we also need to look into other SQL Server performance counters like SQLServer: Buffer Manager: Page Life Expectancy, SQLServer: Buffer Manager: Lazy Write/sec, and SQLServer: Buffer Manager: Checkpoint Pages/sec. 

As I mentioned before, there are other useful performance counters to diagnose and tune cache memory issues like Buffer Manager: Page Life Expectancy which indicates the time in seconds that a page has been inside of memory. This time should mostly be above 300 seconds, that is, 5 minutes. So, values below it should be considered as an alert, which means that SQL Server is under high memory pressure because bad-written queries may be using a lot. Clearly, the final solution is not to add more memory but identify and optimise those problematic queries. Only after that may you opt to add memory.

The other performance counter to check is SQLServer: Buffer Manager: Lazy Write/sec which gives the quantity of pages moved out per second from memory. Not only could it mean a lack of memory, but also there are copious amounts of Checkpoints which are not good at all because it will cause recompilation of stored procedures at the same time.The value of this counter should mostly be below 20. So, if you notice this value above 20, you may need to check SQLServer: Buffer Manager: Checkpoint Pages/sec counter as well. Checkpoints move out all pages from memory to disk.

Finally, keep in mind that it really important to do diagnostic tasks regularly which allow to take preventive actions so as to improve the whole performance over time. I do hope you find this post helpful. Let me know any remarks you may have. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.
HELLO, I'M PERCY REYES! — a book lover, healthy lifestyle lover... I've been working as a senior SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) for over 20 years; I'm a three-time awarded Microsoft Data Platform MVP. I'm currently doing a PhD in Computer Science (cryptography) at Loughborough University, England — working on cryptographic Boolean functions, algorithmic cryptanalysis, number theory, and other algebraic aspects of cryptography. READ MORE