
Invited Talks

These are some of the SQL Server talks I've been giving since 2005.
Presentations in PDF version are available for some of them.

  • SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Enhancements [PDF], Global Spanish Virtual Chapter, Lima, Peru, 19-Oct-16
  • SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Availability Groups [PDF], SQL Saturday Manchester, England, UK, 23-Jul-16
  • SQL Server 2016 Security, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 16-Jul-16
  • SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Availability Groups [PDF], Manchester SQL User Group Event, Manchester, England, UK, 20-Apr-16
  • SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Technology, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 14-Feb-16
  • SQL Server 2016 Transaction Log Management, Microsoft MVP's de Perú, Lima, Peru, 4-Dec-15
  • Técnica Avanzadas de Indexamiento en SQL Server 2016, Microsoft MVP's de Perú, Lima, Peru, 17-Oct-15
  • High Availability + Disaster Recovery in SQL Server 2016, Microsoft MVP's de Perú, Lima, Peru, 17-Oct-15
  • How to read graphical execution plans, MUG Lima, Lima, Peru, 22-Sep-15
  • SQL Server 2016 New Features, Global Spanish Virtual Chapter, Lima, Peru, 22-Jul-15
  • Fundamentos Básicos de SQL Server, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 17-Jul-15
  • SQL Server 2016 New Features [PDF], SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 17-Jul-15
  • SQL Server 2016 New Security Features [PDF], SQL Saturday, Ica, Peru, 16-Jul-15
  • Cardinality Estimator en SQL Server 2014. ¿Qué es? Y cómo nos beneficia [PDF], MVP Virtual Conference, Lima, Peru, 15-May-15
  • Columnstore indexes en SQL Server 2014, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 11-May-15
  • Performance & Improvements for Columnstore Indexes in SQL Server 2014, Maratón Inteligencia de Negocios 2015, Lima, Peru, 28-Apr-15
  • SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Groups, ‎AzureBootCamp2015‬, Lima, Peru, 25-Apr-15
  • Query Performance Tuning and the NEW Cardinality Estimator in SQL Server 2014, DevDays PERU 2015, Lima, Peru, 17-Apr-15
  • SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Groups (SALON I ), ‪MVP RoadShow Ica, Ica‬, Peru, 11-Apr-15
  • SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Groups (SALON II ), ‪MVP RoadShow Ica, Ica, Peru, 11-Apr-15
  • SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Groups, ‪MVP RoadShow‬, Lima, Peru, 9-Apr-15
  • Cardinality Estimator en SQL Server 2014 Qué es y cómo nos beneficia, PASS GLOBAL SPANISH VIRTUAL CHAPTER, Lima, Peru, 11-Mar-15
  • SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Technology, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, 14-Feb-15
  • Cardinality Estimator en SQL Server 2014. ¿Qué es? Y cómo nos beneficia, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 27-Dec-14
  • Rendimiento del In-Memory OLTP Engine en SQL Server 2014, SQLSaturday #351, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 6-Dec-14
  • Mejora en la Seguridad y Rendimiento usando Backups Encryption, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 22-Nov-14
  • Instalación y configuración en SQL Server 2014, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 18-Nov-14
  • Cómo nos puede ayudar Buffer Pool Extension en SQL Server 2014 [PDF], SQL PASS Peru Chapter, 8-Nov-14
  • El poder de Columnstore Index. Cuándo y dónde usarlo?, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 11-Oct-14
  • Rendimiento del In-Memory OLTP Engine en SQL Server 2014, SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 4-Oct-14
  • Performance & Improvements for Columnstore Indexes in SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2014 Event Launch, Ica, Peru, 19-Jul-14
  • Seguridad y Rendimiento de Backup / Restore en SQL Server 2014 [PDF], SQL PASS Peru Chapter, Lima, Peru, 28-Jun-14
  • SQL Server 2014: Performance and Improvements for Columnstore Index [PDF], SQL Server 2014 Event Launch, Lima, Peru, 26-Apr-14
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP: Internals Overview [PDF], SQLSaturday #266, Lima, Peru, 7-Dec-13
  • Estrategias de Backup en SQL Server, Semana Tecnológica, Ica, Peru, 29-Nov-13

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HELLO, I'M PERCY REYES! — a book lover, healthy lifestyle lover... I've been working as a senior SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) for over 20 years; I'm a three-time awarded Microsoft Data Platform MVP. I'm currently doing a PhD in Computer Science (cryptography) at Loughborough University, England — working on cryptographic Boolean functions, algorithmic cryptanalysis, number theory, and other algebraic aspects of cryptography. READ MORE