Showing posts with label Tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tools. Show all posts

Saturday 11 November 2017

How to migrate SQL Server aliases easily

Definitely, in my daily DBA life many times I had to complete the migration of hundreds of SQL Server aliases without wasting much time. The DBAs always have the need of carrying out administrative tasks quickly and easily, and in this sense today I am going to share with you a technique of how to migrate SQL Server aliases.
To begin with, think of having three aliases in the database server. You can see them using SQL Server Manager Configuration tool.

The technique is to use Export/Import option of the system registry. Be cautious and do not try to modify other things. All the keys of the SQL Server aliases can be found for a x64 system in the following path:


And whether you have SQL Server 32-bit on x64 then the keys are found here:


Now, once the path was found we need to navigate to it and right click on it to select Export option to export the branch of aliases to a regedit file (.reg). Finally, copy the file to the new server and then using File->Import option you can import them into the registry of the new database server. That is all for now. Let me know any remarks you may have.

Friday 13 October 2017

Purging old backup files by using forfiles windows tool

It is well know that most backup strategies include a step to purge backup files to keep the most recent backups in the database server so that the disk space can be used properly. It is of paramount importance to schedule this task inside a SQL job in order to avoid running out of space. Today I am going to share a script to do that that uses forfiles windows tool via cmdshell. This script is within a stored procedure which has some input paramaters such as the database name, backup type, drive, and retention days.

USE [master] 
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_DBA_Backup_FilesCleanup] (
@DatabaseName VARCHAR(200),
@BackupType VARCHAR(100),
@DriveName VARCHAR(1), 
@RetentionDays VARCHAR(4))

    DECLARE @strcmd VARCHAR(4000)
    DECLARE @directory VARCHAR(4000)
    SET @directory=@DriveName + ':\SQLBackup\' + @DatabaseName --+ '\'  + @BackupType 
    SET @strcmd='forfiles /p "'+@directory+'" /s /d -'+ @RetentionDays +' /c "cmd /c del /q @path"'
      -- print @strcmd
    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell   @strcmd 

The logic deletes old backups files located on a path with this pattern '<Drive>:\<BackupDirectory>\<DatabaseName>\<BackupType>'. For instance, if we want to delete Full + Diff + Log Backup Files of the database 'MyDB' older than one week and supposing that those backups files are located on the drive 'G' then the full path would be 'G:\SQLBackup\MyDB\Full' for Full Backups, 'G:\SQLBackup\MyDB\Diff' for Differential Backups, and 'G:\SQLBackup\MyDB\Log' for Log Backups. So, using the following stored procedure and according to the example above, we should execute it with the following parameters:

USE [master] 
EXEC dbo.sp_DBA_Backup_FilesCleanup  @DatabaseName='MyDB' , @BackupType='FULL',@DriveName='G', @RetentionDays='7'
EXEC dbo.sp_DBA_Backup_FilesCleanup  @DatabaseName='MyDB' , @BackupType='Diff',@DriveName='G', @RetentionDays='7'
EXEC dbo.sp_DBA_Backup_FilesCleanup  @DatabaseName='MyDB' , @BackupType='Log',@DriveName='G', @RetentionDays='7'

That is all for now. Let me know any remarks you may have. Stay tuned.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Getting information about memory used by SQL Server

Naturally, every DBA is asked to report information about the memory used by SQL Server. Common questions are related to memory reserved and memory used currently, and sometimes we might not know how to complete this task. How many times did we take a look at the Windows Manager Task to find out that info? Many of us might have ended up quite frustrated time and time again because it did not help much. Over time Microsoft decided to provide Administrators with more useful tools and released Resource Manager tool whereby useful memory information per process is available, nevertheless, whether we want to get that info from SQL Server it might be an uphill battle as it would need that we write certain complex code at windows level.  For the time being, thinking about this situation I made the snap decision of sharing with you some helpful scripts that will alleviate the pain.

In the likely event that you might need to get the total buffer pool memory used by all databases at SQL instance level, this script is for it.

SELECT cast( cast( COUNT(*) /128.0/1024.0 as decimal(10,2)) as varchar(10)) + 'GB'  AS TotalUsageBufferPool
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors

And if you wanted to know the buffer pool memory used by each database, you can use this:

SELECT CASE database_id 
        WHEN 32767 THEN 'ResourceDb'  ELSE db_name(database_id)         END AS DatabaseName,
        cast( COUNT(*) /128.0 as decimal(10,2)) AS [BufferPool(MB)]
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id) ,database_id
ORDER BY [BufferPool(MB)] DESC

Finally, and more importantly, answering the question about the total memory used by the whole SQL instance:
-- SQL2012/2014/2016/2017
select cast(cast(physical_memory_kb /1024.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2))  as varchar(10)) + 'GB' TotalPhysicalRAM, 
cast(cast(visible_target_kb /1024.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2)) as varchar(10)) + 'GB' MaxRAM, -- max memory configure at sql server level
cast(cast(committed_target_kb /1024.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2)) as  varchar(10)) + 'GB' ReservedRAM,  --memory reserved
cast(cast(committed_kb /1024.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2)) as  varchar(10)) + 'GB' UsedRAM --memory used currently
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

-- for SQL2005/2008/2008R2
SELECT cast(cast(physical_memory_in_bytes /1024.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2))  as varchar(10)) + 'GB' TotalPhysicalRAM, 
cast(cast(bpool_visible /128.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2)) as varchar(10)) + 'GB' MaxRAM, -- max memory configure at sql server level
cast(cast(bpool_commit_target /128.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2)) as  varchar(10)) + 'GB' ReservedRAM,  --memory reserved
cast(cast(bpool_committed /128.0/1024.0  as decimal(10,2)) as  varchar(10)) + 'GB' UsedRAM --memory used currently
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

That is all for now. I hope you find these scripts helpful. Let me know any remarks you may have.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Testing database connectivity by using a Universal Data Link file

After installing a SQL instance, we may need to test the database connectivity from a client host to make sure that everything is working very well, for instance, sometimes Windows Firewall might block access to the service or there might be network issues. Moreover, in the likely event that there was no time to install SQL Server client tools such as SSMS or SQLCMD to carry out the test, you woud be a bit suprised to know that there is a simpler way to do it, that is via a Data Link file. Consequently, in this post I am going to show you how to create and use a Data Link file to test connectivity to a SQL instance. To begin with, you must open Notepad to create an empty .txt file and save it with the .udl extension as you can see in the following picture.
After doing that, you must open the .udl file and you will then see the following window with four tabs. The second tab "Connection" is to fill with the server name (or SQL instance name) and the credentials accordingly. For instance, I am testing the connectivity to a default SQL instance and using Windows Authentication. You must modify that to serve your needs.
In the first tab "Provider" we can choose the Provider to use in the test. By default, it is always "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server". It is ideal to test other providers as well. It is worth noting that SQL Native Providers will be listed if SQL Client tools are installed locally in the client host from where the test is done. In the tab "Advanced" it is possible to set the timeout value whereas in the tab "All" we can see a summary of all the settings, and we can also edit the values of some important connection parameters such as "Language", "Connect Timeout", "Packet Size", "Data Source" and "Initial Catalog".

Finally, we just have to click on "Test Connection" in the tab "Connection" to proceed with the test. If the connectivity to the SQL instance is ok, you will see the message "Test connection succeeded", it couldn't have been simpler!
That is all for now. I hope you find this post helpful and practical. Let me know any remarks you ma have. Stay tuned.

Saturday 5 August 2006

SQL Formatter Tool

Being asked sometimes about a good tool for formatting T-SQL code, I would like to share one of them known as 'SQL Formatter tool'. Not only will this tool format T-SQL code, but also MS ACCESS, ORACLE/PLSQL, DB2, and MySQL. The great thing of this tool is that we will be able to generate output results for HMTL, C#, VB, Cobol, PHP, Java, and others. Try using it to see if it works for you and then make the most out of it. Here is the link of the web version:

Let me know any remarks or experience you may have using the tool. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

Sunday 21 May 2006

Installing SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 on all SQL instances via CMD

When it comes to installing SQL Server 2005 Service Packs on various instances rapidly, we can do it by executing the Service Pack setup with some parameters via CMD. First of all, we can use it to figure out which parameters we do have available to work with, so the following can be done:

D:\Downloads\SP1_SQL2005SQLServer2005SP1-KB913090-x86-ENU.exe /?

Having executed that via CMD, the complete list of parameters will be shown:

/? – Help
/quiet – Quiet mode
/reportonly -Instance report only
/allinstances – Apply patch all product instances by default
/instancename – Product instance names to patch
/SAPWD – SQL SA password
/use – Remote admin domain and account
/password – Remote admin password

Furthermore, if we are curious to know about how many SQL instances have the right service pack installed, we may use the '/reportonly' parameter:

D:\Downloads\SP1_SQL2005SQLServer2005SP1-KB913090-x86-ENU.exe /reportonly

Only after that will we be able to verify which client and server components are installed for each SQL Server 2005 instance like MSXML Parser version, Database Engine services, SSAS services, SSIS services, and so on. Now we are ready, for example, to install the SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 on SVPRDB:  

D:\Downloads\SP1_SQL2005SQLServer2005SP1-KB913090-x86-ENU.exe /instancename SVPRDB

Finally, we may want to install it on all SQL Server 2005 instances in the same server:

D:\Downloads\SP1_SQL2005SQLServer2005SP1-KB913090-x86-ENU.exe /allinstances

As you have been, using this technique is not complex. That is all for now, let me know any remarks you may have. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

Monday 21 November 2005

How to connect to SQL Server 2005 much faster via SQL Management Studio

While connecting with SQL Server 2005, we have to deal with the 'splash' screen and then indicate, basically, the following information such as service type, server name, and authentication type. This process may sometimes slow us down, nevertheless, we can optimise it as long as we know where we want to establish a connection. Put differently, we can save some time by using 'sqlwb.exe' tool which allows to start SQL Management Studio rapidly. This tool has some parameters we can use them to speed up the logon process to SQL instances. Here I am coming up with an illustration how to use 'sqlwb.exe' with some basic parameters. For instance,  if we would like to connect to the 'TestDB' database on 'SVPRDB1' server and with Windows Authentication, it can be done in this way:

sqlwb.exe -E -S SVPRDB1 -d TestDB -nosplash

Only after successfully executing that will we connect directly to 'TestDB' database without specifying manually the parameters and also without seeing 'the splash' screen showing the presentation of SQL Management Studio version. Now we can also customise the shortcut as it is shown in the following picture:

As earlier I said, this is the fastest way to connect to SQL Server which will allow to save some seconds. It couldn't have been simpler. That is all for now. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.
HELLO, I'M PERCY REYES! I've been working as a senior SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) for over 20 years; I'm a three-time Microsoft Data Platform MVP. I'm a cryptographer conducting research on cryptographic Boolean functions and their applications.